

tapir is a “Phylogenetic Informativeness Calculator for Marker Evaluation” - in short tapir does just what its acronym says - calculates phylogenetic informativeness (PI) for a given set of phylogenetic markers, using the formulas derived within [Townsend:2007]. tapir also includes helper programs to plot the output of the program in several different fashions using either R and ggplot2 or matplotlib.


PhyDesign is the original implementation of Townsend’s algorithms for computing PI. tapir is an alternative implementation, complementing PhyDesign and differing in the folliowing ways:

  • tapir selects the most appropriate finite-sites substitution model for input alignments, prior to inputting those rates and the base frequencies to the PI computation
  • tapir is written to take advantage of optimized programming libraries and multicore architectures to return data from hundreds to thousands of loci very rapidly
  • tapir enables rapid re-analysis of data from intermediate results stored in JSON format. Meaning that once you’ve esimated the site rates for a given set of alignments, you do not need to re-analyze all of the input data to evaluate a new set of discrete times or time intervals
  • tapir collects results across all loci in a SQL database, easing data summary and subsequeny analyses involving hundreds to thousands of loci
  • tapir runs locally with reasonably minimal dependencies


We provide several methods of installing eddittag, see Installation for additional details.



One of the following is needed to produce graphical output. rpy2 provides richer graphics.

tapir computes the phylo-genetic informativeness of DNA loci

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