.. _introduction: ************ Introduction ************ Purpose ======= tapir_ is a "Phylogenetic Informativeness Calculator for Marker Evaluation" - in short tapir_ does just what its acronym says - calculates phylogenetic informativeness (PI) for a given set of phylogenetic markers, using the formulas derived within [Townsend:2007]_. tapir_ also includes helper programs to plot the output of the program in several different fashions using either R_ and ggplot2_ or matplotlib_. Features ======== PhyDesign_ is the original implementation of Townsend's algorithms for computing PI. tapir_ is an alternative implementation, complementing PhyDesign_ and differing in the folliowing ways: - tapir_ selects the most appropriate finite-sites substitution model for input alignments, prior to inputting those rates and the base frequencies to the PI computation - tapir_ is written to take advantage of optimized programming libraries and multicore architectures to return data from hundreds to thousands of loci very rapidly - tapir_ enables rapid re-analysis of data from intermediate results stored in JSON_ format. Meaning that once you've esimated the site rates for a given set of alignments, you do not need to re-analyze all of the input data to evaluate a new set of discrete times or time intervals - tapir_ collects results across all loci in a SQL database, easing data summary and subsequeny analyses involving hundreds to thousands of loci - tapir_ runs locally with reasonably minimal dependencies Availability ============ We provide several methods of installing eddittag, see :ref:`installation` for additional details. Dependencies ============ - `python 2.7.x `_ - `hyphy 2 ` - `numpy 1.3.x `_ - `scipy 0.9.0 `_ - `dendropy 3.9.0 `_ Optional -------- One of the following is needed to produce graphical output. rpy2_ provides richer graphics. * `rpy2 2.2.2 `_ * `matplotlib 1.0 `_ .. _tapir: https://github.com/faircloth-lab/tapir .. _rpy2: http://rpy.sourceforge.net/rpy2.html .. _PhyDesign: http://phydesign.townsend.yale.edu/ .. _R: http://www.r-project.org/ .. _ggplot2: http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/ .. _matplotlib: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/ .. _JSON: http://www.json.org/