.. _computing: *************************************** Computing Phylogenetic Informativeness *************************************** After you get the dependencies installed, computing the phylogenetic informativeness (PI) is rather easy. The typical invocation of the program looks like: .. code-block:: bash tapir_compute.py /your/input/nexus/ \ /your/data/treefile.tree \ --output /path/to/the/output \ --times 1,2,3,4 \ --intervals 1-5,5-10 This wil compute the PI from a folder of nexus files at `/your/input/nexus/`, against the tree that is located at `/your/data/treefile.tree`, for the the discrete times 1,2,3,4 and across the intervals (*aka* epochs) 1-5 and 5-10. We describe each option (`tapir_compute.py -h`) in detail, below. We have separated these options into those pertinent to :ref:`initial-computation` and those for :ref:`re-computation`. .. _initial-computation: PI Computation Options ********************** Positional arguments --------------------- **alignments** The folder of alignments **tree** The input tree Positional arguments are passed to the program by *position*. For example, to send the above to `tapir_compute.py`, you would type, on the command-line .. code-block:: bash tapir_compute.py alignments tree Required arguments ------------------ We have several options that are requies, which can annoy some people. Here, we've made these options required because it makes the command-line invocation of the program less clumsy and more clear. --times TIMES Comma-separated list of start times of interest (MYA) --epochs EPOCHS Comma-separated list of epoch ranges of interest (MYA) Optional arguments ------------------ These are true options in the sense that they are entirely optional - the defaults will be chose for you if you do not pass a value along with it's corresponding option. -h, --help show this help message and exit --tree-format FORMAT The format of the tree (`nexus` or `newick`) --output OUTPUT The path to the output directory --hyphy HYPHY The path to hyphy (if not in $PATH) --template TEMPLATE Path to the hypy temlate file if in non-standard location --threshold THRESHOLD Minimum number of taxa without a gap for a site to be considered informative --multiprocessing Enable parallel calculation of rates --site-rates Use previously calculated site rates